Apologies and shameless requests

blue pot

I’m finding that between my thesis (must graduate) and Slashfood (must make money), I don’t have a whole lot of energy for other writing at the moment. I’m not planning on packing it in over here, but please forgive me that I’m not filling this space with thoughtful goodness as frequently as has been normal for me.

Now that I’ve just apologized for my sub-par production of content I am going to turn around and ask you to consider giving some of your money away (seems fair to me). To my sister. You see, my rock star sibling Raina Rose is trying to get a tour bus that runs on used vegetable oil. Only she doesn’t have any money and is asking for donations. If you like her music and want to throw a couple of bucks her way, she’d really appreciate it. If you don’t particularly like her music, but enjoy the idea of her driving around the country in a french fry scented vehicle, she’d still be happy to take your money. If you are sitting behind your computer cursing me and calling her a dirty hippie, well, there’s really nothing we can do there. If you don’t have any money to give, but would like to send along good thoughts and wishes, those are happily accepted as well.

0 thoughts on “Apologies and shameless requests

  1. Eric

    You know, a lot of great bands out there do that. Groups like Piebald and Limbeck run their tour buses on veggie oil and are really outspoken about it. She should drop one of them a line for some sweet info. 🙂

  2. Ellen

    I will happily throw some money her way on this Friday’s payday (backed myself into bare survival mode this pay…). Thanks for letting us know a way to help her.


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