Katey has a blog

Last month when I went to my college reunion, one of the people I was delighted to see was Katey. We lived in the same residence hall our freshman year, and rapidly became friends in the way you do when you first leave home. After freshman year, when we no longer lived in the same building, we drifted in and out of each others’ social circles, always happy to run into each other crossing Ankeny or in the SUB.

Throughout college, Katey always talked her plans to spend her life writing and these days she’s doing everything she can to make it happen, including adding her voice to the chorus of blogs out here. Only hers is a voice that deserves to rise above the cacophony, to be heard on it’s own. Check her out, I promise, you too will get hooked.

0 thoughts on “Katey has a blog

  1. Katey Schultz

    thanks girl!
    and you never told me you had writing in your family…maybe you and andy can find new inspiration in each other!
    (so glad to be back in touch with you!)


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