Monthly Archives: March 2011

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Brunch at home today. Whole grain waffles with real maple syrup or strawberry-lemon jam. Melon (cantaloupe for Scott, watermelon for me). A bit of bacon. Coffee. Sunshine. And a good book. I have a lovely life.

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I was asked to be one of the judges at ScrappleFest 2011 at Reading Terminal Market. This Scrapple Stack from Molly Malloy’s was the winner. I’m not the biggest fan of scrapple, but I dearly hope that they put this puppy on their brunch menu when they open. It was incredibly good.

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315 | 365

As this year of daily photography draws to an end, I feel like I’m running out of things to take pictures of in my apartment. I thought my jar of Sharpies all blurred out looked fairly interesting. Do remember that all my creativity has been going into the book, so I haven’t had much juice for anything else.

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Lunch today. Slices of Persian cucumber, crackers, aged Gouda, avocado and a couple of clementines.

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313 | 365

I turned in another very large chunk of my book today. After I hit send, I walked over to Trader Joe’s to pick up a few groceries and bought myself some celebratory daffodils.