
Engagement ring(s) on hand

So Scott and I got engaged tonight. It wasn’t a surprise for me, because I designed the ring and I’ve never been particularly good with surprises. We made it official in the courtyard at City Hall, in the glow of the Christmas lights. Despite the lack of proposal ambush, we are both still totally delighted.

I’ve never been a girl who has dreamed about what her wedding was going to be like, but I’ve always been excited about the prospect of the engagement ring (what can I say, I like jewelry). What I finally decided to go with is the ring(s) you see above. I was inspired by this ring on Etsy and really liked the idea of a set of stacking rings for the engagement/wedding situation. However, the way it’s turned out, I’m wondering if it wouldn’t just be better to use the second ring with the two diamonds as the wedding band. For the time being, I’m wearing both of them together, to see if I can’t make this dream of a two-part engagement ring a reality.

One of the cooler parts of the ring(s) is that the diamonds all belonged to my grandmother. She was something of a jewelry collector and so the smaller diamonds were once a pair of small stud earrings and the larger diamond is one half of another pair of diamond earrings that my grandfather bought her about 25 years ago. It’s nice to know that she had some part in this very significant jewelry. I know she would have loved these rings.

31 thoughts on “Engaged

  1. Erin

    I loved reading the story behind your ring. It’s incredibly special to have your grandmother’s stones. What a wonderful idea, and congratulations again!

  2. Dan

    Congrats Marisa! I had a feeling the full story would be here after reading the very abbreviated version over on Blankbaby…. 🙂

  3. Deidre

    That’s a beautiful ring and a beautiful story. Congratulations to you and Scott, you are a such great couple and I wish you for you more of what you already seem to have, a life full of laughter, good food and many books.

  4. Fran

    Woo hoo! Congratulations! I also heard Scott got a new job, so it is all sorts of exciting right now, huh? I was wondering how long before this happened…

  5. Tony

    Thanks for sharing the story behind the rings (I wasn’t sure if there were two…). Very cool that you used your grandmother’s stones. Love to you both!

  6. Diane

    Congratulations to both of you! I’m so happy for you. The
    ring(s) are beautiful and the story behind them is beautiful too. Any idea when you will wed?

  7. Deah

    Congratulations! When I first saw the rings I was taken with the design but after reading the history of the stones it makes the rings much more beautiful.

  8. ann marie

    so coollllllll!!!!!

    im very happy for you both and wish you all the best.

    i broke up with sandy and im moving to florida!!!

    im down here now, found a cute little house, its 80 degrees and sunny and im coming home after new years, packing up, saying bye to the kids who are in college and dont really care anyway, and moving me and bubba to paradise. we are gonna be beach bums.

    by the way delphina tells me a lot of her fellow students at CIA read you on slashfood.

    isnt that cool?

  9. Farleigh

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you both, and here are huge wishes for many, many joyous and love filled years of happiness ahead! Happy Holidays!

  10. Kirsten

    Congratulations! I’m so excited for you both! And looking forward to seeing you (and the ring) in person next month!


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