New shoes!


Recently, I’ve been on the hunt for some new spring/summer shoes for work. When the weather intermittently started to warm up a few weeks ago, I dug into my closet to take stock of what I had for the coming months. Sadly, the shoes that had carried me through last season were pretty darn broken down, including my very favorite pair of black flats that I got at Loehmann’s about four years ago, before they up and left Center City Philly (why do the great discount stores always leave my neighborhood? We once had a Filene’s Basement down the street as well).

Circa flats

Thing is, I don’t really do heels, so my work shoes have to be cute, comfortable and flat, which isn’t always the easiest thing to find, particularly when you’re trying not to spend too much money. I’ve been scouring various websites, looking for things that might fit the bill and I’ve been coming up unusually short (I normally have fairly good shoe luck too, so it’s been strange to be so stymied).


However, everything changed tonight. I left work a little early to pick up my car from my new mechanic. I trying out a shop at 2nd and Christian as I got tired of dragging myself back and forth from Germantown for repairs and my yearly inspection (not to mention the fact that I’m pretty certain that my old mechanic thought I was a bit crazy). One of the nice things about the location of this garage is that it puts me halfway to one of my favorite Philly Goodwill locations. And when you’re halfway there, there’s really no point in just going home.

Red Pumas

I picked up a random assortment of stuff at the thrift store, including a very nice, hardly worn pair of Joan and David brown flats, for the very nice price of $4. Feeling good about the purchase, I got back in the car with the intention of heading home. Instead, the car seemed to magically steer itself towards the S. Philly Ross. Wandering in, I headed over to the shoe section and found myself confronted with the most amazing selection of cute, comfortable and inexpensive flats. It was everything I’d been searching for. I ended up buying five more pairs, ranging in price from $6.49 (clearance) to $24.99 (a really appealing and comfy pair of Pumas that would have been much, much more anywhere else).

It is such a delight to now have all the shoes I need for the rest of the spring and summer (and hopefully some of them will last through next year as well)!

14 thoughts on “New shoes!

  1. andipantz

    I love them all, but those first pair of green ones are GREAT! Of course, I have a love for green. They all look great and I can’t wait to see them in person. woot woot for shoes!

  2. Diane

    Isn’t it a great feeling to have wonderful new shoes? You did very well and have quite a nice assortment there. I particularly like both pairs in green — and you’re all set for St. Patrick’s Day 2010! Think of all the adventures you will have in them. I hope they take you to wonderful places in good health this summer.

  3. Fran

    Thank you for making me feel better about the large number of pairs of shoes I own! 6 pairs in one day! I like the red ones with white trim. I definitely have a weakness for red shoes. I gotta have flats for work too. There’s no way I can stand up all day in heels!

  4. Wendy

    Yowza! What an amazing shoe-day! I have recently become addicted to that color green, it is so good! and red! and they are all flats! (the shoes are so exciting everything needed an extra punctuation!)

  5. Kristen

    Found your blog while searching around the web for things to add into no-knead bread. Your recipes are great (I’ve coped several down) and I have to know, how to I get some great food pictures? Yours are phenomenal! I have a Digital Rebel…is the secret a macro lens?
    Thanks! I’ll be back to peruse some more later 🙂


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