
I’m on a 6:18 p.m. flight to Portland today which means I’ll be leaving straight from work (this also means that I can print out boarding passes on a dependable office printer, as opposed to rousing my asthmatic home unit). As I dragged my suitcase along behind me this morning on my one-block walk to work, I was beeped at by two different cabs, each hoping I was a potential fare.

My immediate reaction to both instances was irritation, bordering on rage (each driver required a shake of the head to stop their beeping). “If I need a cab, I’ll damn well hail one,” I thought to myself. Experiencing this response makes me realize that I’ve been living in Center City Philadelphia too long. Here’s hoping ten days on the west coast will gentle my soul (even just a little) and help me shake off those protective city layers.

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This morning was this office building’s annual “Tenant Appreciation Breakfast.” I remember last year having an impressive spread, with bagels, cream cheese and multiple kinds of danish. When I finally made my way down there this morning, all that remained were a few cake-y muffins and some watery fruit salad. All week long I had been looking forward to that bagel, so I was a mite bit disappointed that there were none.

I thought about my missed bagel for at least an hour after the muffin was gone and eventually decided that it would be better to buy one than to continue to pine. I stopped by the office kitchen just before heading downstairs and oh joy! There were a few bagels left over from a morning meeting! I toasted up a half, delighted to be getting the bagel for free (and I only ate a half, whereas had I purchased one, I would have eaten the whole thing).

3 thoughts on “Briefly

  1. Sarah

    I managed to snag a bagel from the buffet this morning and you didn’t miss much. It was a sweet-whole wheat bagel, which was weird enough, but they only had strawberry cream cheese – not a combo I’ll be trying again any time soon.

    Have a fantastic holiday! And thank you again for the jam!!!


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