The best friends ever

Thad and Angie taking the desk apart
It’s been a hugely busy weekend, in which Scott and I rented a Philly Car Share truck, filmed a live episode of Fork You Live down at Foster’s Homeware, braved the St. Patrick’s Day crowds, watched a crappy movie, had lunch at Di Brunos, grocery shopped, had dinner with Roz at Plaza Garibaldi and came one step closer to integrating our stuff into a single apartment.

However, this post really isn’t about any of that, it’s about how Thad and Angie are some of the most fantastic friends ever.  After Fork You Live on Saturday, they came over to help us figure out how to get a very heavy, 100 year old+ desk that is 35 inches wide through a door frame that is 29 inches wide. We went through four screwdrivers, two hammers, nearly a roll of paper towels (it was quite dirty) and moved several pieces of furniture, but the desk now happily rests in the den.  Thanks guys!

3 thoughts on “The best friends ever

  1. Angie

    as my favorite Mexican saying goes:

    “Todo cabe en un jarrito, sabiendolo acomodar” (roughly translates to “everything fits in a jar, if you know how to place it”)

    We definitely love a challenge…they’re fun!


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