Tag Archives: Scott

January 19

January 19

Scott and I have something of a Sunday morning tradition for those weekends where I don’t have to be out doing book or class stuff. We sleep late, order take-out from Famous Fourth Street, watch a little TV, and then take a long walk.

Today was one of those glorious, unscheduled days. I slept until 10:30 (Scott got up a little earlier to meet his trainer), talked to my mom for a bit, and made coffee. When Scott got back from the gym, we ordered food. I got scrambled eggs with lox and onions, which is a dish that always reminds me of my grandpa Sid.

After a bit of lazing around, we walked. We went to peek at kittens in our neighborhood pet shop, bought a few bars of fancy soap, and got some new underwear at Macy’s for Scott (buy two packs, get one free!). I also made him pose under the giant eagle statue. There’s a slight resemblance, after all.