Monthly Archives: September 2010

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The building is shutting out power down in just a few hours, in order to clean the circuits. It’s a once every five years sort of thing. In preparation, I dug out a bunch of candles and a book of matches. The first I found was this book, which was from a restaurant that hasn’t existed in at least ten years. In other news, I’ve lived in Philadelphia for nearly nine years now. How that happened, I have no idea.

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The Philly Homegrown project took three Philadelphia food trucks up to the Vendy Awards in New York. It was the first time they’d ever invited another city to participate and the New Yorkers welcomed us happily and loved the food. It was a long day but very fun.

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A new haircut (I was in desperate need) with bangs. I had bangs for years as a kid and then finally grew them out when I was 20 years old. Then recently, I began to pine for them and so here they are.