Monthly Archives: April 2012



A set of Pyrex bowls. My obsession with all things Pyrex is starting to wane. I think it might be time to let this stack go to make room for some other cool thing.



Pancakes are one of my joyful foods. I love making them and think them one of the best Sunday morning foods around. This batch was made with my dad’s classic mix, with an extra hit of sourdough for lightness. They were excellent.



Just about once a week, Scott and I take a rambling walk. We’d intended to go all the way to Laurel Hill Cemetery today, but the sky threatened rain, so we didn’t want to go quite so far from home. It never did end up raining, but it was a nice walk nonetheless.



A true mark of the warm weather season in Philadelphia is the return of the fruit salad trucks all over the city. In this town of primarily cheesesteak and hot dog trucks, it’s my favorite kind of food cart.



There was a Philly Food Swap tonight. It was at Meadowbrook Farm, a gorgeous garden center and nursery out in Montgomery County. The turn-out was a little smaller than it’s been in the past, but it was still such a fun night. I love this food swap community.



A giant fish taco and quick cole slaw. A good dinner.

My 33rd birthday is just a few weeks away, which means that the end of this photo a day project is rapidly approaching too. I’ve done this every day for two years now and I’m not sure if there will be a third. I spent a couple hours catching up on posting photos tonight. I was nearly two months behind. I’ve been taking the pictures, but finding those moments to post them has felt impossibly hard and I can’t put my finger on why.

I don’t want this blog to go away. It’s been so vital to my life over the last seven years (boggles the mind, doesn’t it?). But with the amount of freelance writing I do, along with trying to keep the other blog afloat, there’s not a ton of energy left for joyful free writing. Which is sad.

I’m going to work on figuring all of this out. Stay tuned.



I ran a “Make Your Own Pickle” station at an event called Grow It, Eat It, Cook It at Bartram’s Garden. It was part of the Science Festival and was a whole lot of fun. Unfortunately, we ran out of jars in the first hour. Who knew there’d be so much interest!



Current dining room table randomness, quickly shot before running out the door to teach a canning class.