Monthly Archives: November 2010

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To help Tenaya pick out a new DSLR and a couple of lenses, she, Albert and Kate came over for brunch. We played with cameras, I fell in love with Albert’s 60 mm macro lens and we ate lots and lots of cheese. Sadly, the Nikon camp lost the competition and Tenaya ended up going with a Canon.

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Thanksgiving, part deux. This time at Amy and Jean’s house in Mt. Airy, with the extended Fox-Mann-Kannerstein-Biele-Fisher-McClellan crew. I covet Amy’s vintage red pot in the right-hand corner of this picture.

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Our last morning in Virginia, we ate breakfast at a Cracker Barrel. Despite it’s chain status, there’s something appealing about it. Behind our table there was this press imprinted with the name Bartlett. My grandma Bunny was originally a Bartlett, so I couldn’t resist taking a photo.

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We’re in Virgina tonight and tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Tonight, dinner was just a quick snack at a Potbelly Sandwich place near my mother-in-law’s apartment.

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Still baking for Thanksgiving. This time, the vanilla bean poundcake from Amanda Hesser’s book, Cooking for Mr. Latte. These are the some of the cakes I made for my wedding and are requested by Scott’s family every year for Thanksgiving. I am happy to make them, as they are most delicious.

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Baking blondies to take to Virginia for Thanksgiving, I lined up all my ingredients as if they were soldiers about to march into battle. Delicious, toffee-flavored battle.

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I didn’t buy one of these Starbucks reusable cold cups last summer when initially spotted them. I was trying to convince myself that I didn’t need one. However, I spent the balance of the summer searching for them to no avail.

So when I heard that Starbucks was releasing some for the holidays, we dashed out to the Starbucks shop across the street and happily they had just one of each in stock. I was standing there, trying to decide which I wanted when Scott sighed and said, “Just get both. I’ll pay.” He is so good to me.