Monthly Archives: January 2014

January 26

January 26

My mom taught me to knit when I was seven or eight years old. She had briefly considered sending me to Waldorf school and so I spent a day at one nearish to our house. I quickly realized it wasn’t for me, but I was intrigued by all the crafting and making that the kids did there. And so we went to a knitting shop, picked out some needles and yarn, and after a couple quick lessons, I was off.

I never knit anything particularly useful. I was the queen of long, unblocked swaths that we eventually turned into scarves for my teddy bears and dolls. But I liked it and kept at it until other activities captured my interest.

For the last several years, I’ve been saying that I was in need of a new hobby (since I turned my last one into a career). I had my eye on knitting, but was weirdly hesitant to try it. I think part of it came from the fact that it’s been a long time since I started something new. In most aspects of my life, I’m the expert, not the beginner. And since I was so unaccustomed to being uncertain and a little scared to dive in, I just stayed away entirely.

I decided back in the fall that 2014 was going to be my knitting year and so when a website called Slugs on the Refrigerator announced that they were hosting a month-long online knitting camp this January, I decided to buy the kit and join up.

And honestly, it’s been really great. The basics of knit and purl came back almost immediately (hooray for muscle memory). I used some YouTube tutorials to relearn how to cast on and to figure out some of the new-to-me ways of reducing the piece. And I just keep reminding myself that any discomfort I feel in being a beginner is good for my brain (new neural pathways, and all).

So far, I’ve made two hats (and a long, meandering swatch that was just for practice). The first hat is a little bit of a wreck, but I learned a lot from it and I feel pretty darn good about the second one. I made it for Scott in his chosen colors of blue and orange (there’s no school affiliation there, just an affinity for those shades) and even adapted the pattern a tiny bit to suit.

I don’t think that I’m going to become someone who knits everything, all the time, but I’m really enjoying it at this pace. It’s fun to make useable things that aren’t edible and it’s nice to have something else to do while watching TV besides answering email.

January 25

January 25

The American Library Association held their mid-winter conference in Philadelphia over the weekend and thanks to my publisher, I got a pass to the meetings and exhibition floor. I bought a show floor pass for Scott and we spent most of this afternoon wandering around, meeting authors and picking up review and giveaway copies of new books. I wasn’t particularly discriminating and picked up nearly everything that remotely interested me. Of course, we have enough unread books in our apartment to last us both a decade or more, but there’s such excitement and potential in a new book that neither of us could resists.

January 24

January 24

My apartment used to belong to my grandparents. Through a strange twist of fate, I inherited it and all it contained when I was 23. One of the things that came with it was this roll of plastic wrap. I finally used it up today. It only took me 12 years. I guess I’m not much of a plastic wrap user.

January 22

January 22

Scott’s office was closed because of the weather (a foot of snow in Center City!) and so harnessed a little bit of the unexpected day at home to put up a knife strip that has been sitting in a corner of our dining room for at least three years. It was very satisfying (and now I can see in a single glance that I have an embarrassing number of paring knives).

January 19

January 19

Scott and I have something of a Sunday morning tradition for those weekends where I don’t have to be out doing book or class stuff. We sleep late, order take-out from Famous Fourth Street, watch a little TV, and then take a long walk.

Today was one of those glorious, unscheduled days. I slept until 10:30 (Scott got up a little earlier to meet his trainer), talked to my mom for a bit, and made coffee. When Scott got back from the gym, we ordered food. I got scrambled eggs with lox and onions, which is a dish that always reminds me of my grandpa Sid.

After a bit of lazing around, we walked. We went to peek at kittens in our neighborhood pet shop, bought a few bars of fancy soap, and got some new underwear at Macy’s for Scott (buy two packs, get one free!). I also made him pose under the giant eagle statue. There’s a slight resemblance, after all.

January 18

January 18

Tonight was the Cheese Ball! Hosted and organized by my friend Tenaya (aka Madame Fromage), it was a fundraiser for Birchrun Hills Farm‘s cheesecave fund and was a very great deal of fun. I worked the door for an hour or two, brought a quartet of homemade preserves,  and chatted with a number of friends and acquaintances.

At the end of the night, it was mostly cheesemakers and cheesemongers around the massive cheeseboard. They had saved some of the very best wedges and wheels for the true appreciators and so I tasted some truly spectacular bits. Of course, I can’t remember any of the names (I didn’t have a drop to drink, it’s just my customary name amnesia), but it was worth it nonetheless.