Earlier today, I had lunch with a friend. We spent a lovely hour catching each other up on our lives and happenings. On my way home, I stopped by the farmers’ market at Rittenhouse Square to pick up a few peaches and tomatoes (not having a CSA share this summer has put a serious crimp in my produce acquisition).
I took 18th Street home and as I was walking, realized that it was exactly a year ago to the day when I tripped on that very same block. It triggered a crying jag that helped me let go in a way that I really needed. And then two days later, I was laid off from my job and my whole world shifted for the better.
Thinking back on the last year, I can’t help but feel entirely grateful for that layoff. I was set free from a job that I should have left under my own power long before. It was definitely financially tight for a time, but even that has started to work out. I’m really looking forward to seeing what the next year holds.