Nothing's more exciting than a weekend wrap up

Friday night I got home from work just a little before 6 pm. My roommate was in the shower, so I laid down on my bed to wait for him to get out of the bathroom. I woke up an hour and a half later, totally disoriented, the bathroom empty and my roommate long gone. My body was smart, grabbing that chunk of sleep, because the rest of the weekend moved lightening fast.

There was a wedding, in which the groom choked up during his vows, and the bride said hers with a bubbly laugh in her voice. A reception at which there was kielbasa, ham and Thanksgiving dinner as well as dancing with a Mummers string band trio.

Later came the birthday party, celebrating Shay’s 30th. More food, including V’s fried chicken and Angela’s lasagna. More dancing, this time to a special iPod mix that Erin made. The birthday girl looked lovely in her party dress, socks and sneakers (she couldn’t do the high heels the dress called for more than the first 45 minutes). We were sent home with favor bags full of candy and an autographed picture of Shay-bird herself.

Today has been downright tame in comparison to yesterday. Church and an unfun meeting afterwards. Veggie shopping at Lin’s. A little bit of work. Latihan. A dash into Trader Joe’s (and a friend sighting) for something that resembled protein. Home and dinner and friends on the phone and bed.

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