And the award goes to…

I’ve been trying to figure out a creative or elegant way to say this, but each time I dip into my mental well of words and sentences, the bucket comes up empty. So here it is.

I won an award this weekend.

I am the Joseph Priestly District’s Outstanding Young Adult Leader of the Year. (The JPD is the Unitarian Universalist district in which I live). It’s kind of a kick to win an award for doing something I love (like organizing young adult communities).

I realize for those of you out there who don’t do the whole church thing, this could appear to be pretty darn dorky. And yet, concern over judgement or censure is not enough to stop me from from sharing, as I’m still pretty tickled.

The awards were presented yesterday at the JPD annual meeting, in a session I very nearly skipped. Thankfully, someone in the know saw me wandering around, about to make my break, and gently bullied me into attending the session. I’ve never been so happy to have been bullied in my life.

I’ve come to the conclusion that there should be more awards in life. It’s a fun experience.

0 thoughts on “And the award goes to…

  1. Ellen

    No “this could appear” apologizing – I’m not churchy and I don’t think it’s dorky. I’m not an artist, and I appreciate art and can be happy for artists who win awards.

    You have the right to revel in this and not give a rat’s ass what anyone else thinks – this sounds well deserved and congrats! Break out the tiara and champagne (at least mentally if not literally)!

  2. Sandra

    Congrats!! We all need to be recognized for the good we do in life, and it doesn’t hurt to brag about it! 😉 I was just recently elected as an ordained elder in my church (Presbyterian) the 1st part of this year. It was one of the most special and honored things I’ve ever been asked to do. I feel humbled and am learning alot about myself spirtually.

  3. Barb

    Congratulations! It is obvious that you are an “outstanding young adult” from the sensitive and intelligent blogs that you write but did you do something specific to win this award or were they just honoring you in general? Did they give you something to put on the mantel piece?

  4. Marisa

    Barb, I won the award because I created a young adult group at the Unitarian church in Center City Philly from scratch and it’s now one of the largest groups in the district (if not the country). Not to toot my own horn, but some friends of mine are getting married because they met in a group I created.

  5. Sherri W.

    Belated congrats!! I’m like Barb—I wanna know if you got a certificate to frame or a mantelpiece knick-knack…. Either way, you absolutely deserve the accolades.

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