It’s Friday, and it is the very last time I will post a Random Friday set from this job. My last day of full time work is September 6th, and next Friday I’ll be playing host to the Carnival of the Mundane, so no Random Friday Ten will be appearing in this space.
You know the Random Friday rules, so say them along with me. Set your pod or other digital music devise to shuffle/random and report back the first ten songs it spits out. Skipping, omitting or obfuscating is not allowed.
1. I Lost It, Lucinda Williams (Car Wheels on a Gravel Road)
2. Somebody Been Talkin’, Homesick James (Best of the Chicago Blues)
3. Bookends Theme, Simon & Garfunkel (The Essential Simon & Garfunkel)
4. New Thing Now, Shawn Colvin (A Few Small Repairs)
5. Sister, Indigo Girls (Come On Now Social)
6. Late in the Evening, Simon & Garfunkel (The Concert in Central Park)
7. Jackson, Lucinda Williams (Car Wheels on a Gravel Road)
8. Beautiful Night, Ani DiFranco (Revelling/Reckoning)
9. Oops Upside Your Head, The Gap Band (Pure Disco)
10. Sunflowers, Francis Dunnery (Live at the World Cafe)
Initial Thoughts: This is kind of a weird set. Two tracks from Car Wheels on a Gravel Road, an album I always liked but haven’t listened to in some time. Two tracks from Simon & Garfunkel, both of them on the obscure side of their song catalog. Ani DiFranco showed up again, there was a period of time when she was showing up every week, but it’s almost as if she’s been on Random Friday sabbatical for the last month or two. Shawn Colvin will probably be purged from the pod in the near future, to make room for some new stuff, so this is her last hurrah on the RF scene. And I can’t for the life of me figure out which Live at the World Cafe disc the Francis Dunnery song is from.
Need more Random Friday than I can give you? Check out these folks…
As always, if you’ve got a list up and would like a little link love, let me know.
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