Old media discovers Fork You

Scott sent an email out to the group of us who work on Fork You today, with a link to an article in the Spokesman Review, the Spokane, WA newspaper.  The article was titled “Video bloggers serve offbeat food TV” and features Fork You fairly prominantly, which is pretty darn cool.

For an appetizer along those lines, sample the amusing Fork You. Billed as “Food with Philadelphia Charm,” this vlog scores, thanks to the delightful duo of Scott and Marisa. She’s a graduate of Whitman College in Walla Walla who really knows how to cook. He’s a lovable hipster doofus who’s described on the site as “very idiotic.”

I was particularly amused that they stressed the fact that I went to college in Walla Walla, I guess they needed to give our show some Eastern Washington connection.  Hey, it works for me.

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