In Walla Walla with Andrea, for our ten year college reunion (how did we ever get so old?). The first order of business was dinner from The Ice-Burg, a greasy drive-in diner on the outskirts of town. It was entirely unchanged, which made it impossibly perfect in every way.

One thought on “140

  1. Vicki

    So I was scanning through my blog reader and caught a glimpse of what had to be, unmistakably….Ice-Burge. Well how about that…it IS Ice-Burge. Hi, my name is Vicki and I live in Walla Walla, born and raised. I started following you blog this summer when I started canning for the first time. I made peach, blueberry, strawberry and strawberry rhubarb jam this summer. Your site has been very helpful, thanks! I love the relationship you have with food, it is intimate and real. My family owns Andy’s Market over in College Place and food is such a big part of our lives. Healthy food to be exact! But listen, there’s always a place for a little Ice-Burge in everyone’s diet. You must have gone to Whitman, such a great school. My girls take swimming lessons in the summer from their swim program. This sleepy little town has changed quite a bit in the past ten years….hope you enjoyed your time back with us. Cheers- Vicki


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