Alley walking and TV appearances

red, white and blue
On my way home from work each afternoon, it is my habit to enter my building through the side door. You get to this door by walking down an alley that dead-ends into the building. In addition to serving William Penn House, this alley also serves as service entrance for a couple of restaurants and the local wine and spirits shop. It’s a strange half block, devoid of people unless they have some specific business there and often cluttered with a few random objects (it is also where some of the cooks and dishwashers from the restaurants take their breaks). Every day, I look at that red door, next to those blue and white swatches and think that it would make an interesting picture. Today, I just happened to have my camera with me.

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In other news, Food in Jars has been getting some nice attention recently. My canning classes and I were featured in Daily Candy last week. And tomorrow morning, I’m going to be appearing on Fox29 at 8:40 am, talking about home canning. If you’re in the Philadelphia area and will be around a television tomorrow morning, please tune in. Hopefully it will be available online and I’ll be posting it if it is!

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